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In this rural restaurant that is anything but a country bumpkin, Crystel's service with a smile does justice to the gourmet dishes of her husband, chef Grégory Duranton. A rainbow of colours are on display, starting with a refreshing plate of watermelon and tomatoes, joyously seasoned, or a crispy roasted sea bass with spicy Bellota cheese, a lively bell pepper coulis and a nice little ratatouille. This is a chef with real flair to whom we'll be coming back for sure!

Opening hours

Monday 12:00-14:00 — 19:00-21:30
Tuesday 12:00-14:00 — 19:00-21:30
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 12:00-14:00 — 19:00-21:30
Friday 12:00-14:00 — 19:00-21:30
Saturday Closed — 19:00-21:30
Sunday 12:00-14:00 — 19:00-21:30

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